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Republic of Mozambique


Independent Baptist Friends

MOZAMBIQUE Republic of Mozambique

Capital Maputo
Largest City Matola, Maputo Provincia
Land Area 308,642 mi2


  • Total 23,400,000
  • Density 77.1 people/mi2
  • Growth 2.35% per year
  • Children 44.31%
  • Adult 52.83%
  • Elderly 2.856%

Bordering Countries
Malawi, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe

* Statistics by Wolfram|Alpha. "Christianity" is used in the statistical sense and includes Catholics, Protestants, and true Christians.

Listing in Mozambique

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Mozambique, officially the Republic of Mozambique, is a country in southeastern Africa bordered by the Indian Ocean to the east, Tanzania to the north, Malawi and Zambia to the northwest, Zimbabwe to the west and Swaziland and South Africa to the southwest. The capital city is Maputo, formerly known as Lourenço Marques.

The area was explored by Vasco da Gama in 1498, a visit mentioned in the Portuguese national epic The Lusiads, and colonized by Portugal in 1505. Mozambique became independent in 1975, and became the People's Republic of Mozambique shortly after. It was the scene of an intense civil war lasting from 1977 to 1992. The country was named Moçambique by the Portuguese after the Island of Mozambique, derived from Musa Al Big or Mossa Al Bique or Mussa Ben Mbiki, an Arab trader who first visited the island and later lived there.

Endowed with rich and extensive natural resources, Mozambique's present day economy is considered one of huge potential. The country's economy is based largely on agriculture, which employs roughly 80% of the country's population in mostly subsistence operations. Agriculture makes up around 25% of GDP, with fast-growing industry (mainly food and beverages, chemical manufacturing, and aluminium and petroleum production) contributing 35% and services almost 40%. Imports still slightly overshadow exports, but the gap is closing. The country's tourism sector is growing, but still performing well below its potential. Sound economic management, massive international debt relief and great investment in human capital have been quite successful in alleviating poverty in the country. The cyclone and devastating floods of early 2000 reduced growth for that year to 2.1%, but the country bounced back. Based on the Economist, IMF: Annual average GDP growth for period 2001-2010 was 7.9 percent, and for period 2011-2015 predicted 7.7 percent. In both periods Mozambique is one of the world's top ten for annual average GDP growth.

The government has taken steps to make Mozambique as attractive as possible to foreign direct investment, upon which it is heavily dependent. South Africa is Mozambique's main trading partner and source of FDI. Belgium, Spain, and Portugal are also among the country's most important partners. Mozambique is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, the Community of Portuguese Language Countries and an observer of the Francophonie.

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Results of Search

Displaying 1-2 of 2 listings in Mozambique


Baptist Training Center of Mozamb...

Alan Hart
Estrada Nacional no. 6, casa 13 Bairro de Lusalite
Dondo, Sofala, Mozambique
(582) 395-0305


Machava-sede Baptist Independent ...

Martinasio E. Tembe
Rua Dos Correios, 327 Machava-sede
Maputo City, Mozambique
(582) 175-0262
